SMART TMT S.A. Colombia – ITmark Experience


Having participated in the ITMark Certification project has meant to Smart TMT a success that allows the company to continue in the process of continuous improvement. In order to obtain this important achievement, we have worked hard during the recent months trying to improve our products and services and this is simply the culmination and the recognition of constancy and courage to maintain a line of work based on the highest quality standards.
Thanks to the support and guidance we received from the consultants during the project, we could overcome the obstacles and concerns that threatened to jeopardize its completion.
Having obtained the Basic ITMark certification allowed internally organize our processes, especially the productive ones, such as Development and Services; besides, it gives us a competitive advantage in the market that positions us as a company committed to continuous improvement to impact their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
We thank again to Tecnalia Colombia for having contributed with their knowledge and experience for us to reach this important certification.