Tecnalia grants ITmark certification to 64 Colombian companies


Tecnalia has granted during years 2016 and 2017 the ITmark certification to 64 Colombian IT sector companies.

These certifications have been performed in the framework of a project in which both Tecnalia and Tecnalia Colombia are participating. The project is financed by the Science, Technology and Innovation Department of Colombian Administration –COLCIENCIAS-. One of the project goals is to increase Colombian IT companies competitiveness by adopting quality management models.

ITmark is a quality management certification developed by Tecnalia in 2005 with the purpose of promoting excellence in management activities for SMEs in three different areas:
• Business management
• Information security management
• Software engineering, systems and services

The ITmark certification includes an improvement model developed using as input different internationally recognized models and standards:
• EFQM and ISO 9001 for business management
• ISO 27000 for information security management
• CMMI-DEV and CMMI-SVC for software engineering, systems and services

For an SME ITmark is a perfect starting point for a process improvement initiative.
ITmark is present in more than sixteen countries, primarily from Europe and Latin America, having available a consultants and appraisers net all over the world.