ANALÍTICA, Colombia – ITmark Experience
On behalf of Analítica, I want to thank ESICenter-Sinertic / Tecnalia and MinTic, for the immense support given to our company in achieving the ITMark certification. First of all, I want to thank for the magnificent advice and support we received through your advisers in the months of preparation; their comments, recommendations, advice and ongoing [...]
SMART TMT S.A. Colombia – ITmark Experience
Having participated in the ITMark Certification project has meant to Smart TMT a success that allows the company to continue in the process of continuous improvement. In order to obtain this important achievement, we have worked hard during the recent months trying to improve our products and services and this is simply the culmination and [...]
Shareppy S.A.S. Colombia – ITmark Experience
For our company, the fact of having participated in this certification process represented a step forward in our growth process and corporate organization. This did not only helped us to strengthen our existing internal processes but to build to the nonexistent ones in a real way, impacting positively on the way we execute the activities [...]
Grupo CUBO Ltda. Colombia – ITmark Experience
Ours was an excellent experience, as we discovered the possibility of opening new business lines and expand our vision according to what the market is currently looking at; besides, we have learned to know our company and thus transfer our knowledge to new entrepreneurs and work team that collaborates with us.